What I Read in November

Or, Hello Again?

If you haven’t been able to tell, I’ve been a little scattered lately. Guess that’s one good thing about having a blog nobody reads: nobody notices when my life gets crazy and I take a hiatus!

And nobody notices when I create stupid little obligatory posts with meaningless nothing in them.

Okay, clearly the end of the year is kicking my butt. I’ll try to be more gracious with myself from here on out.

So, what did I read in November? Honestly, I don’t remember. I didn’t write it down, plus the month was a bit crazy, so I don’t actually know if I finished a single book. I have been listening a lot to Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X Kendi but have taken a bit of a break as of late. I’ll probably finish it eventually, but that on the tail of The Dead are Arising makes for some heavy reading. (Did I finish The Dead are Arising last month? Or was that a September finish? Like I said, I can’t even remember.)

The good news is, I’m slowly rebooting my reading plan, so there’s some good stuff coming down the pipeline for next month’s post. Until then…I hope you’re being a more productive reader than I am!

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