Five Things for April 26

Feeling in bloom…

  1. I woke up today (Tuesday) feeling on top of the world, which, after several days of feeling at the bottom of my game, is always a welcome change. As I get older (har), I’m starting to realize that this is just sort of…how things go, at least for me. If that makes any sense. I have a series of tough days, emotionally speaking, where I struggle to do much of anything, then I naturally rise out of my tar pit and climb to a peak day or two where I get all the things done. Repeat ad infinitum. Is that normal? I don’t know. But it’s starting to feel normal for me, and honestly, just knowing that it’s a cycle the repeats itself is helpful on my most low of days. (Also, I realize this whole thing makes it sound like I have BPD, but I really don’t think I do. It’s not extreme or anything; I can still motivate myself to get out of bed and do stuff. But sometimes like, folding a load of laundry just doesn’t get done. Hmm…)
  2. I’ve finally started getting together my Parenting Omnibus/taking daily notes (I still need to do monthly and quarterly plans, but we’ll get there) and on Sunday introduced our third Laying Down the Rails habit, after a very long pause. The habit? Kindness. Which is something that I’m realizing we actually really struggle with. So it’s been good to show the kids in moment-by-moment what they can do to be kind, and on Monday evening, Bub even came up with his own kindness, which was running into his sister’s bedroom when she was crying to see if she was okay. They still do fight to do kindnesses, but hey, it’s a process, right? One thing that Ambrose has particularly latched onto is a Kindness Jar that I’m filling with little slips of paper of how they’re kind. Our goal is to get 100 kindness slips by the end of this 6 weeks!
  3. I finished listening to South to America today, it was eh. A long audiobook, and I didn’t not enjoy it, so I didn’t stop listening. I actually sort of enjoyed Perry’s meandering narrative of all things related to the South, etc, but in the end…did I learn anything? Will I retain anything? I’m not sure. So, it gets a 3/5 from me.
  4. Holy Week begins next week, eep! Not sure how I’ll manage to attend services between work and very church-averse kids. Maybe this year I’ll just have to bow out of most services. As much as it stinks to admit defeat, this ain’t my last Holy Week. The kids will get bigger, more patient, less squirrelly and naughty-silly, and some day I — and hopefully the kids too — will be able to do the marathon that is the final week of services before Pascha.
  5. And relating to Holy Week/Pascha (EEP it’s so close though!), I just did the most 90’s mom thing ever and ordered myself a big Longaberger picnic basket. It will be really nice to have a large, sturdy, basket for the feast after the Paschal service. Now to decide what will go inside! Mmmmm…
Categories5 Things

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