Trim Healthy Mama Hot Drink Base

Special thanks to Briana Thomas for this idea.

The question exactly no one has asked me: yes! I’m still loving Trim Healthy Mama! I’ve reached my “Queen Weight” for the most part, so I’m not following it as strictly, but I still love the overall concept and it will definitely help me stay at Queen Weight. And maybe even get down to Princess Weight come swimsuit season. Ha.

It certainly helps that drinks like this exist and are 100% on plan. Man, but if these ladies aren’t well-versed in the dark arts of delicious supplement combinations. There’s No-Moo Cheesecake bites (look to the cookbook Trim Healthy Table for that one, though I might try to come up with a slight adaptation soon) and then there’s the Velvety Sip. Those two combined could just keep me going forever.

Briana Thomas’ velvety drinks are dead simple and just so freaking incredible to sip on when the house is too cold because you refuse to turn the heat on, dang it. Also, if left to my own devices I would drink hot coffee all day long, but that’s not exactly the healthiest thing in the world. You know, all that caffeine. No nourishment.

What this is is a great way to have something to sip on that will also be sort of like a meal. Or could go next to a light S meal. This morning I’m drinking it with some leftover Costco rotisserie. Whatever you want, friend, it’s up to you. You can use it with an herbal tea, like the velvety peppermint sip I linked to at the top of the article. You could do it with a flavored black tea like Paris or Earl Grey for just a touch of caffeine pick-me-up. Today’s version is the first time I’ve made it with coffee, and it’s excellente. I used a heaping tablespoon of instant, along with a capful of vanilla and the rest of the base recipe.

Try it. Right now. Do it. Do itttttt.

Velvety Drink Base

Course Drinks
Servings 1


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 2 bags favorite tea or 1 Tbsp looseleaf
  • 2 Tbsp whey protein powder vanilla or unsweetened
  • 1 Tbsp coconut or MCT oil
  • 1/2 Tbsp butter or ghee
  • dash salt
  • stevia, as desired


  • Combine almond milk and water in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Don't let it boil over! Remove from heat, add tea, and steep 3-5 minutes.
  • While tea is steeping, combine the remainder of the ingredients in a blender or appropriate vessel for stick-blending.
  • When tea is done steeping, remove the tea bags or strain as appropriate and add the hot tea to the rest of the velvety ingredients. Blend until well-incorporated and frothy. Sip and enjoy!


Feel free to add dashes of any complimentary extracts. Thomas recommends vanilla and peppermint for her Velvety Peppermint Sip. I love vanilla with Earl Grey to make it a London Fog. Experiment, and make it yours!
Keyword hot drinks, trim healthy mama


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