Five Things for January 19

Let’s try this format again — tidbits from my week: 52 Weeks of Madness, Noom, my current weightlifting protocol, Hunting Gathering and Parenting, and a ClassicQuest update.

  1. Against my better judgement, I’m attempting not just 52 Weeks of Cooking, but also 52 Weeks of Baking. Because it’s not like I have anything better to do with my life. I’m about a week behind on each challenge, which isn’t horrendous; earlier this week I did Chrissy Tiegen’s (incredible, life-changing) biscuits and gravy for Jarrod, which happened to satisfy Week 2 – Quickbread, and last night I made Three-Cup Chicken to satisfy Week 2 – Year of the Dragon. It was quite tasty! The kids certainly enjoyed it. (I couldn’t find peppers at Trader Joe’s, so it was completely without spice.)
  2. I accidentally re-upped my Noom membership so I guess I’m giving it another college try? I dunno. I’ve been trying for the past two years to lose the same ten pounds. At some point I should just accept that I’ve reached my Queen Weight, right? (Insert gif of Trump saying “WRONG.”)
  3. Speaking of weight-y matters, I’ve been doing Caroline Girvan’s Iron series on YouTube and it’s been excellent. I mean, dumbbells, right? How hard can a dumbbell workout be? Hard, y’all. But what I like most about her is that she’s Irish, so her workout intros are always very entertaining with her heavy accent. Also, she doesn’t talk at all through the videos, which, for me, is great. The playlist is starting to get a bit repetitive, but it’s the least of my concerns. I’m actually considering paying for her app. We’ll see.
  4. One of my goals for this year is to really focus on applying the principles of Hunt, Gather, Parent, one at a time and noting what happens. The very first principle I ran into in my current (read: 3rd) re-read was acomodito — let them help! So, I have been letting them help as they want, and also inviting them to help. Ambrose is quite unwilling, but the girls love helping when they’re in the mood. In any case, we’re starting to see a real before-dinner routine take shape, where I ask who wants to put on the plates, who wants to do the cups, and who wants to do the silverware. Last night they did the entire table between the three of them. Yay!
  5. Reading Don Quixote during lunchtime as my current ClassicQuest book. It’s slow going, but beyond all the puke and poop (holy cow, Cervantes!) and blanket-tossing, some of the stories are interesting. Right now I’m fully invested in the Dorotea/Cardenio/Don Fernando/Lucinda storyline. This could be a novel in itself. In any case, I realized last week that I’m over ten years into this crazy ClassicQuest thing. It’s never gonna end, is it? I’ll never get to the point where I feel satisfied that I’ve read enough of “the classics”. But that’s okay. There’s always more to read.
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