November Writing Update: A Whole Lot of Nothin’

It’s been a month! What have I written of substance? Oh…I don’t even know.

Maybe I’m just grouchy because I’m currently on hold with the allergist trying to get my poor itchy child seen by SOMEONE. ANYONE. And because there’s a several-month waiting list for the PT services she needs.

But that’s neither here nor there. Writing is here. And there. And everywhere. Here’s what I did this past month:

Em’s Notebook-wise, I actually stuck to my schedule and got all eight posts out as planned. Woohoo! For a refresher, I wrote about Sheet Pan Greek Lemon Chicken, Weirdo Mulled Cider, the Things app, the Story Grid work I’ve been doing, my budget update (spoiler alert: I didn’t do so well this past month), my new shoes + some outfits I wore, and of course, what I read in October. (I know that’s seven. This is eight!)

Medium-wise, I think I got all the posts out that I’d planned? Let me check. Ah yes. Since the time of my last writing update, I wrote a post about disappearing into the background, one about the three-to-two nap transition, one about our experience with the stomach flu (ick), and one about my & Liesl’s elimination diet.

All this industry seems to have taken a toll on my Lucy in Love plotting. Or maybe I’m more of a pantser than a plotter. It’s been simmering at the back of my mind, though, and I have some really interesting plot twisty ideas. No spoilers, no spoilers! Reading The Story Grid has been great for chewing on ideas to make my book unique and also unputdownable. How I can really surprise the reader while staying within the romance genre they expect. Er, capital-G Genre.

But the question remains: what should my priority be? I don’t know the answer. Right now I feel like I’m doing everything, but I’m doing it haphazardly. I really do want to focus in on how I can make more of an income with Medium. Figure out how to get my work curated! But I also want to work on Lucy in Love first and foremost, because aren’t I a fiction writer, after all? But bread! And butter!

And it’s November! How can I not do NaNoWriMo? Especially because I do want to do Lucy in Love work, and it would be a good way to force myself to work on it for at least a half hour each and every day. But is vomiting out a 50k word count worth it? Shouldn’t I be intentionally plotting? Crafting my scenes like a fine pastry? (I am no fine pastry chef IRL, guys.)

Gah. Well. It helps to remind myself (again and again and again) that this is a season of life. I won’t always be this busy with Kid Stuff ^TM. I won’t always have to write. And probably, when I do have that free time, I’ll miss these slow and untroubled days. Oh, the irony.

Signing off now. After all, I have some Lucy in Love work to get done.



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