2023-2024 Intentions

New (Church) Year, New Me

Ok so here’s my last Intentions post; it links to all the other ones that were hosted on Warm Milk Cold Coffee, which I’ve shut down, so. RIP past years’ intentions and resolutions. (Really, it’s alright.)

Looking Back on (Most of) 2023:

Did I read one more long ClassicQuest book? Um. I don’t know how to answer this one. No, in the sense that I did start The Count of Monte Cristo but never finished it. But yes in the sense that I’ve read nearly all of The Stand. Not exactly a ClassicQuest book, but massive, and so good.

Did I read one more self-help book and spend the year applying it? Well, asI wrote last year, “Probably this is gonna be The Lazy Genius.” So YES, I actually did read it, and while I’m not flawless in its execution, I do think about its principles a lot. I need to paste them in a high-Emily-traffic location though, probably by my desk.

Did I read one more parenting book and spend the year applying it? Kinda. I did read The Soul of Discipline and massively enjoyed it. Again, execution is not flawless but I’m working on applying the principles.

Did I do 52 Weeks of Cooking? No.

Did I learn a Duolingo language? While I had all the intentions to and actually even began a bit…no.

Did I really and truly get down to pre-Ambrose weight? Sigh. No.

Did I continue to complete my Conquerer challenges? Yes! Once I switched it to auto-track with my Apple Watch I started busting out those miles.

Did I finish a draft of a book. Nerrrrp.

Did I write 12 short stories? Negator.

Did I write a short blog post every weekday? What do you think? Absolutely I did not.


Did I continue being intentional about clothing and shoe purchases? Eh, I could do better, but honestly I didn’t do awful. I’d give it a 7/10.

Did I smash my TBR list, for real? I mostly did! I read 34 out of the 39 books on my list; I’m not too beat up about missing a few. (Plus two of those were unread ClassicQuest books, no worries at all on that.)

Looking Ahead to 23/24

I’m really taking it easy this year, which is A-OK because I have a lot on my plate: a full-time job and near-single parenting with Jarrod being full-time in seminary. Still, I have ambitions! As follows:

I’m going to read another long ClassicQuest book. Maybe this is the year for The Count of Monte Cristo.

I’m going to smash my TBR list once again. Audiobooks and reading before bed each night, baby.

I’m going to read 12 chapter books out loud to the kids. We are starting with Matilda!

I’m going to really and truly and honestly get down to pre-Ambrose weight. Or something close. Heck, I’d be happy to get back to the high 130’s.

I’m going to complete a full year cycle of Thinner Leaner Stronger. And, in the process, become thinner, leaner, and stronger? We’ll see.

I’m going to complete 365 closed-ring days in a row. Y’know. On my Apple Watch. If it kills me, so help me I will do this.

I’m going to draft a book. *Squeaks* Really!

I’m going to cook my way through a book. This year I’m looking at you, ScandiKitchen Fika & Hygge.

I’m going to do 52 Weeks of Cocktails. Just, you know. On my own. For fun. Because SO MANY DRINKS, SO LITTLE TIME!

I’m going to create my year-cycle family book. Recipes, what to do each day/week/month, etc. I started it last September but didn’t get it off the ground.

I’m going to become a true Digital Minimalist. Including seasonal leisure plans and phone use rules.

I’m going to become even more discerning about my wardrobe. I really need a SMART goal here, but already I’m feeling eh about my clothes options, especially with my weight gain and its stubbornness. I could use a wardrobe refresh. But, you know. An intentional wardrobe refresh.

I’m going to finish CS100, including the assignments. I mean, sure I am. Reach for the stars, right?



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