March Recap, April Intentions

Kicking off the month with April Showers…

Goals & Progress for March

Goal: Something reading-related.
Report: I did, in fact, read all of Pilgrim’s Progress in March. Yawn.

Goal: Read 3 non-ClassicQuest novels.
Report: Once again, fairly easy to knock out: I finished Redwall and Till We Have Faces, and also listened to Revolution! Stand. and Between the World and Me, both of which were pretty short.

Goal: Write a March update for A Hodgepodge of Huffmans.
Report: I will…tonight. Or something. (I did do last month’s!)

Goal: Write 4 Emily’s Notebook posts.
Report: Yeah man!

Goal: Figure out a SMART way to measure writing progress.
Report: Yeah! I think so. I mean, I didn’t get that far with it, but I have an idea of what I want to do (outline one scene per day, twenty per month to start with). It’s just about finding the time to actually do it…

Goal: Finish the next 4 weeks of Epic Heat.
Report: I did do this! Finished Day 31 today, which means I am solidly on track for finishing on Palm Sunday. Woo!

Goal: Create a big Team Huffman Intentional Family Life binder.
Report: Sadly, no — I didn’t find time or the binder to do this. I did outline something for each of the kids (or, I think 2/3 of the kids) but never got a chance to take it further.

April Goals

Goal: Read 3 non-ClassicQuest novels. Maybe. I’m essentially where I need to be at the *end* of April, so I’m not going to go quite as hard on reading this month. I’m tearing my way through a re-read of one of my childhood favorites, Goodnight, Mister Tom, so that won’t be any trouble to finish. I also picked up a very long audiobook of South to America which is meandering but interesting, so I’ll just slowly digest that this month. If I get a chance to read anything else this month, good. If not, no worries.

Goal: Write January’s Hodgepodge of Huffman update. Same as always.

Goal: Write 4 blog posts. Same as always.

Goal: Complete 20 scene summaries in A Marriage of Convenience. I can do dis!

Goal: COMPLETE EPIC HEAT!!! WHEEEEE! I can definitely do dis!

Goal: Attempt the Wondr Health program? I mean, I signed up. We’ll see if this helps me slim down. I say I don’t care about my weight but hoo boy it’s creeping and I don’t like the numbers I’m seeing.

Goal: Create a big Team Huffman Intentional Family Life binder. But really. Step 1: go to Daiso on a date with Theda, who has spring break this week, and buy a really cute binder. (Actually this is a great plan and I will probably do it tomorrow. I need to buy a couple things at Shoprite and Michael’s anyway. It’ll be a whole morning.)

Okay! Let’s do this, April!



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